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Adult ClasseS

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beginner 1 & 2 wheel breakfast club

Grab your coffee and meet us at the wheel :)

Instructor : Nathan Spevack

In this morning-person beginner class, students will be introduced to the world of clay through the pottery wheel. Students will create functional pieces such as bowls and mugs on the wheel and incorporate surface design and color with glazes.

Friday Mornings - Registration coming soon

How can this simultaneously look so delicious and so disgusting?


Beginner 1 wheel

March/April Registration Open NOW!

Instructor : Shauna Twardzik

In this beginner class, students will be introduced to the world of clay through the pottery wheel. Students will create functional pieces such as bowls and mugs on the wheel and incorporate surface design and color with glazes.

Monday Evenings


members only



February Session - coming soon

These single session workshops focus on a specific skill or technique. These classes are led by different FA Instructors who are generously donating their time to create community and connections while playing with clay and keeping these workshops FREE.

Show up, make art, make friends.


altered wheel

March/April Registration Open NOW!

Instructor : Shauna Twardzik

No experience needed - Beginners Welcome!

Both a wheel throwing and hand-building class! In this class, students will work on the potter’s wheels to learn the basics of throwing. As well as, learn a variety of hand-building techniques to alter or add sculptural elements to those wheel thrown pieces.

Thursday Evenings


mixed level wheel

March/April Registration Open NOW!

Instructor : Nathan Spevack

No experience needed - Beginners Welcome!

In this Mixed level wheel class, students will explore the world of clay through the pottery wheel. Students will create functional pieces such as bowls and mugs on the wheel and incorporate surface design and color with glazes.

Saturday Mornings

Meet us at The Horseshoe


intermediate wheel

March/April Registration Open NOW!

Instructor : Nathan Spevack

In this 3 hour intermediate/advanced session, students will build on foundational wheel skills by learning how to throw with intention, create closed forms, and throw in sections. This class is 5 weeks on the wheel. Trimming and glazing are to be done during Open Studio hours.

Tuesday Evenings



April Registration Open NOW!

Instructor : Becky Bechthold

In this new 5 session hybrid class, you will learn the basic techniques of throwing pots on the wheel annnnd handbuilding! We will also explore a variety of surface design techniques, underglaze transfers, and glazing.


Tuesday Mornings!


surface design

Coming soon!

Instructor : Quynh Wills

In this intermediate level 6 week session, we will be exploring the world of all things surface design. This session is the answer to the, “I’ve made a vessel now what?”. Expanding on your ceramic skills, you will learn those eye catching details to your pieces. Skills will include sgraffito, mishima, slab/coil built texture, slip trailing, carved texture, transfers, and more!

Thursday Evening


intro to sculpture

New session coming soon

Instructor : Lara Matalka

This 5 session class focuses on handbuilding (anything in ceramics not made on a wheel)… In this Intro to Sculpting course, you will learn sculpting techniques that will aid you in creating things such as figures, animals, and so much more. Your instructor Lara has over ten years of sculpting experience and will help you take your imaginative ideas and bring them to life. ALL LEVELS WELCOME!

Thursday Evenings


Private parties & Private classes

You love to make stuff. You love your friends. How about you come make stuff with your friends?! Come party with us. We know how to have a good time! :)

Looking for a private class? We have a few folks who can help you out. Shoot us an e-mail to learn more.

Imagine your party HEEEERRRE!


studio memberships

Want to be in the Members Only Club?

Email hello@friendassembly.com for more info if interested.